Review for "Anell de plata de llei i asta de ren"

Anell de plata de llei i asta de ren

Si vols un anell còmode que t'acompanyi cada dia i que tingui per a tu un significat especial, aquest és el teu lloc. Aquests anells estan recoberts amb una resina ecològica que permet el seu ús en totes les tasques quotidianes.Nous i originals dissenys per anells de casament, aniversari o compromís. Fet per el teu estil ia la teva mida.Dissenys diferents per a gent diferent.Guia de talles anells - Quin és la meva talla d´anell?


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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

I had an excellent experience with this shop from start to finish. Firstly the ring is beautiful, high quality and exactly what we wanted. But the customer service is equally high quality. Through our own mistake we ordered the wrong size, and had to send it back to be remade. The communication, and service we received was beyond our expectations.

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